Showing posts with label water. Show all posts
Showing posts with label water. Show all posts

Sunday, May 22, 2022

Some San Simeon land owners may get off waitlist soon

A legal settlement may clear the way for property owners in San Simeon to develop their land.

The settlement between Bob Hather and the San Simeon Community Services District, may clear the way for eight San Simeon property owners to soon be taken off a water waitlist. This will allow them to move forward with developing their land.

The tentative agreement between Hather, who lives in San Luis Obispo and owns an acre of undeveloped land in San Simeon, and the North Coast board will make Hather $50,000 richer and bring him one step closer to making his development plans come true. He wants to build 15 units that people can afford, according to a report by New Times.

Hather sued both the federal government and the state last year because the district wouldn't give him water service and wouldn't let him out of the water moratorium, which has been in place since 1986.