Sunday, November 27, 2022

Mountain lion sightings near San Luis Obispo

After many reports of mountain lion sightings close to the Irish Hills and Johnson Ranch hiking routes, as well as in some people's backyards, some San Luis Obispo residents are on high alert.

A mountain lion was reportedly seen at Vista del Lago Park hiding behind the fence early on Monday, according to a KSBY viewer. Since then, San Luis Obispo police have posted a notice in the neighborhood alerting residents to the presence of a mountain lion.

But it's not the only sighting in recent times.

Rosanna Medeiros, who lives close to Madonna and Los Osos Valley roads, recounted the woman who saw the animal.

She claims that on Monday morning last week, after letting their dog out into the backyard, she and her daughter saw the large cat. According to Medeiros, the mountain lion made an attempt to follow as they hastily pulled the dog inside.

When the dog and everyone else had inside, the mountain lion started to approach the sliding glass door carefully before stopping to have a look.

According to a representative of the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, they have gotten multiple reports from residents who have had similar encounters over the previous week.

According to researcher Brandon Swanson, "We are seeing a lot more activity, interaction with humans in places where you don't see mountain lion activity."

He claims there are several explanations for the recent sightings, including a decline in the number of deer in the region, changes in animals' territorial arrangements, and the reduction in temperature. But he adds that for these species to wander so near to people is unusual.

Swanson advises making yourself as huge as you can with your arms up and backing away slowly if you come across a mountain lion while out strolling. He cautions against doing so since the mountain lion would view you as prey if you do.

The latest sighting of a mountain lion has been sighted before, according to California's Fish and Wildlife. If there is a territorial shift among the male mountain lions, other cats may also be present, according to the reports.

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