Showing posts with label Mid-State Fair. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mid-State Fair. Show all posts

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Health and safety tips for Mid-State Fair goers

As summer warms up and the California Mid-State Fair opens here in San Luis Obispo County, officials from the Fair and the Public Health Department remind fair-goers to take common-sense precautions to stay healthy and safe.

Health officials say the most important advice is also the simplest: wash your hands. Handwashing stations are available throughout the fair. For handwashing, soap and water are best. If soap and water aren't available, alcohol-based hand sanitizer is a good option.

Sunday, February 12, 2023

Paso Robles man sentenced to 6 years in rape of Mid-State Fair teen

A man who raped an intoxicated teenager who wandered away from the Mid-State Fair last summer was sentenced to six years in prison.

District Attorney Dan Dow said that Jose Francis Hernandezgarcia of Paso Robles has been convicted by his plea and sentenced to serve six years in state prison.

The crime occurred at night in a residential neighborhood near the Paso Robles Event Center where the teenage victim had attended the California Mid-State Fair with her friends. The victim was alone, separated from her friends without her phone or wallet and was crying and worried about how to get home. 

The 26-year-old man observed the teenager was intoxicated and crying and spoke to her before he then brought her inside his home instead of offering to help get her home safely or to find her friends. Hernandezgarcia then raped the victim when she was in a state of intoxication, unaware of what was happening to her, and unable to resist his assault.

“This crime of rape was a violent act, even though California law does not classify rape of an intoxicated victim as a violent crime and therefore the law, under Prop 57, allows them to be released early from prison as ‘non-violent’ offenders,” said District Attorney Dan Dow. “Our criminal and victim justice system should equally seek justice for victims and not just for the criminal offenders and that is why I urge our legislators to pass AB 229 that will finally classify ALL rape as a violent crime.”

Saturday, July 23, 2022

County health officials offer tips for Mid-State Fair

If you are planning to visit the California Mid-State Fair this month, officials from the County of San Luis Obispo Public Health Department and Mid-State Fair encourage you to follow common-sense tips for a safe, healthy, and fun time.

“Safety is our number one priority at the California Mid-State Fair, and we are excited and prepared to welcome community members and guests to the Paso Robles Event Center July 20-31,” said Colleen Bojorquez, Chief Executive Officer, Mid-State Fair. 

“We are pleased to partner with the SLO County Public Health Department and offer our guests a few tips to follow for a safe, healthy, and fun visit.”