Sunday, July 23, 2023

Health and safety tips for Mid-State Fair goers

As summer warms up and the California Mid-State Fair opens here in San Luis Obispo County, officials from the Fair and the Public Health Department remind fair-goers to take common-sense precautions to stay healthy and safe.

Health officials say the most important advice is also the simplest: wash your hands. Handwashing stations are available throughout the fair. For handwashing, soap and water are best. If soap and water aren't available, alcohol-based hand sanitizer is a good option.

More tips to keep your visit healthy and fun:Dress for the conditions. On hot days, wear lightweight, light-colored, loose-fitting clothing. Outdoors, wear a wide-brimmed hat for sun protection. Wear closed-toed shoes to protect your feet. And don't forget to use sunscreen to protect your skin.
  • Stay hydrated. Drink more water than usual. You can bring two sealed plastic bottles of water with you through security or you can purchase water from vendors. There are also two no-cost hydration stations on the grounds, one by the livestock area and one in the Main Quad. Don’t wait until you are thirsty to drink more water.
  • Stay cool. If you are not accustomed to the heat, avoid visiting during the hottest times of day. Take advantage of evening hours. Learn more about avoiding heat-related illness.
  • Wash your hands after visiting animals. Always wash your hands after petting animals or touching anything in the areas where animals stay. When you leave animal areas, wash your hands even if you did not touch the animals. If you are looking after animals and want to have a snack or a drink, leave the area and wash your hands before eating or drinking. Don't bring strollers, pacifiers, sip cups or toys into the animal area. Learn more about staying healthy around animal exhibits.
  • Protect yourself from COVID-19. The virus continues to circulate here in SLO County and vaccines remain our best protection against serious illness. Vaccines are widely available free of charge for people of all ages. Masking with a high-quality, well-fitted N-95 or KN95 can also provide important protection for those who are serious about avoiding infection but want to attend an event with large numbers of people present. Fit matters and an N95 is the most protective option.
  • Make a plan. Discuss a family plan for where to meet if you become separated.
  • Don’t forget: Wash your hands!

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