Showing posts with label Lawsuit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lawsuit. Show all posts

Sunday, March 26, 2023

Settlement: County agrees to redraw county supervisor map

In an agreement to settle a lawsuit, the San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors must redraw the lines that define their individual districts before the March 2024 primary election. 

San Luis Obispo County Supervisors have approved a settlement agreement with SLO County Citizens for Good Government, the League of Women’s Voters and three other plaintiffs who challenged the validity of the supervisorial district map adopted in December 2021.

The adoption of the map (often referred to as the “Patten Map”) was challenged in San Luis Obispo County Superior Court by the plaintiffs. 

In January of last year, a judge allowed the map to stand through the 2022 election cycle, but found the petitioners had a reasonable probability of prevailing in court. The judge also found if that happened, the appropriate remedy would be for county supervisors to reconsider the matter and evaluate any proposed maps consistent with the Fair Maps Act.