Showing posts with label Bruce Gibson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bruce Gibson. Show all posts

Saturday, November 4, 2023

Citizen's group launches recall against Supervisor Gibson

A citizens' group initiated a recall effort against San Luis Obispo County Supervisor Bruce Gibson due to allegations of his failure to follow open government laws, attempts to privatize North County water, and excessive control over county departments. 

The Committee to Support the Recall of Supervisor Bruce Gibson served him with a notice of intent to recall, accompanied by proof of service. They believe that a change in leadership is necessary to restore the county's values and integrity. 
In a response, Gibson wrote: "I'm not surprised these highly-partisan activists would try this, given their track record: 
  • They gerrymandered the district and lost anyway.
  • They demanded a recount when I won, then refused to pay our Elections Office what they owed.
  • They continue to peddle election fraud conspiracy theories.
This petition notice is full of distortions and lies -exactly like the losing campaign they ran against me just last year. Note that two of the candidates I defeated last year are lead proponents of this recall. 

They're MAGA fanatics and this is just what they do. San Luis Obispo County voters are smart and they'll see through this vain attempt to nullify last year's election. Voters are also tired of these constant attacks on our democracy. I expect this stunt will fail."
To proceed with the recall, the committee needs to collect approximately 7,500 signatures, and if successful, the recall could be included on the March ballot. 

However, the new recall rules in California, as of 2023, do not allow voters to select a replacement; instead, Governor Gavin Newsom will appoint a District 2 supervisor if Gibson is recalled.

Friday, July 1, 2022

SLO public libraries get $100,000 donation

San Luis Obispo Public Libraries will be able to get new materials thanks to a $100,000 donation from an avid reader whose bequest left the funds in her estate.

The SLO County Library Foundation received approximately $2.6 million from Susan B. Silverstein’s estate. Silverstein had no heirs, but she loved books and owned thousands of them, said foundation president Juliane McAdam.

The Silverstein bequest will allow the Foundation to provide funds now and in the coming years for new library materials.

SLO County Library Foundation
“She gave generously to a number of arts and cultural organizations. She had donated to the Foundation the previous three years or so, so we knew her name, but the bequest came as a complete surprise,” said McAdam.

Sunday, June 19, 2022

District 2 race may go to November ballot

During the ongoing ballot count on Friday, San Luis Obispo County Supervisor Bruce Gibson didn't get enough votes to win the District 2 supervisor seat in the primary election. Now, the top two candidates may run against each other on Nov. 8.

Gibson - a Democrat - faced off against Dr. Bruce Jones, Geoff Auslen, and John Whitworth - three Republicans - in the June primary. Gibson and Jones will face each other in November if the late votes stay the same.

In the primary election, a candidate needs 50 percent of the votes plus one in order to win.