Showing posts with label Prison sentence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Prison sentence. Show all posts

Sunday, October 30, 2022

Prison sentences handed down for three major criminals this week

Prison sentences were handed down this week in San Luis Obispo Superior Court on three separate, high-profile cases.

David James Krause sentenced for murder

David James Krause was entenced to 30 years to life for the murder of Lawrence "Larry" Bross of Oceano.

On January 24, 2019, Mr. Bross (90) was found deceased in his residence in Oceano.

Mr. Boss's blood, confirmed by DNA analysis, was located on a shoe seized from Krause on January 25, 2019.

Based on the newly discovered DNA evidence Krause was arrested and charged with the murder of Mr. Bross.

On October 4, 2022, Krause pleaded guilty to second degree murder and elder abuse resulting in death.

Larry Bross, moved to Oceano full-time in 1988 after serving in the Coast Guard during the Korean War, then teaching high school History and Government for 30 years in Northern California.

Mr. Bross's son added that his father "was the center of our family.

He was living his best life in Oceano in the cabin he turned into a home over a 50-year period.


Andrew William Gilbertson sentenced for robbery

District Attorney Dan Dow announced today that Andrew William Gilbertson (47) of Paso Robles has been sentenced to 25 years to life in state prison for his attempted robbery of Chase Bank in Paso Robles.

"Gilbertson then brandished what the bank teller believed to be a gun from within a plastic bag he held and threatened, " I have a gun, who do I need to shoot?"

Judge Covello also found true seven factors in aggravation which were used at the sentencing hearing to determine the appropriate sentence.

"When California's Three Strikes sentencing law is followed and imposed, like it is here, it sends a strong message to other would-be violent criminals to think twice or perhaps choose another county in which to commit their crime.


Adrian Oswald Pinto sentenced for rape

Adrian Oswald Pinto (37) has been sentenced to six years in state prison for his conviction after jury trial of rape by force and sexual penetration by a foreign object.

Pinto is also required to register as a sex offender for life.

Pinto's defense lawyer argued for the lowest possible prison sentence of three years.

The maximum sentence allowed by law for the offenses is 16 years in prison.

The survivor's mother closed by telling Pinto that "the jury saw you for what you are" and requested that the maximum sentence be imposed.