Showing posts with label Climate change. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Climate change. Show all posts

Sunday, September 18, 2022

Five of six climate bills signed into law

Five of the six climate and energy bills pushed by Gov. Gavin Newsom made it to his desk. AB 2133 — which would have ramped up goals for reducing greenhouse gases — failed at the last minute. 

The bills aim to set interim targets for 100% clean energy, regulate projects to remove carbon from the atmosphere and smokestacks. 

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Bill AB 1279 codifies the state's existing goal of carbon neutrality by 2045. But a more aggressive pace of cutting greenhouse gases failed in the Assembly.

The oil and gas industry also lobbied heavily against Newsom's climate initiatives. 

"It is a regressive mandate that will hit those at the lower end of the income spectrum the hardest."