Friday, July 14, 2023

Cambria resident stays on as interim county leader

San Luis Obispo County Supervisors last week approved a year-long contract for Interim County Administrative Office (CAO) John Nilon.

Nilon took over the county leadership after the departure of Former CAO Wade Horton who left in April. When Nilon was appointed in May, Supervisors approved a three-month agreement with him, with options to extend his contract on a month-to-month basis thereafter. 

The latest action extends his contract through May 1st, 2024, with automatic renewals every thirty days unless modified by mutual agreement of the county and Mr. Nilon.

Nilon retired as CAO of Kern County in 2016 after a 32-year career there. He led five county departments before serving 8 years as CAO. After his retirement, he has lived full-time with his wife in Cambria and served that community with roles on the North Coast Advisory Council Board of Directors and the Cambria Community Healthcare District.

“I’m honored to continue my service to the residents of San Luis Obispo County and to work alongside the talented team of employees that make up the County of San Luis Obispo’s workforce.” Said Nilon.

The County does plan to partner with a consulting firm to begin nationwide recruitment in early 2024 to fill the CAO role on a more permanent basis.

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