Sunday, August 21, 2022

County annual agriculture value surpasses $1 billion for the second time

For the second time, agriculture production in San Luis Obispo County has exceeded $1 billion in value. 

According to the San Luis Obispo County Agriculture Commissioner's Crop Report, crops and products reached a high of $1,081,952 for 2021. This is about a 10 percent increase from 2020. 

Here's how the various products did:

Animal Industry

Ongoing drought conditions continue to impact the animal industry. Cattle were sold at lower weights due to the lack of natural forage and the high cost of supplemental feed. Although prices were higher, the overall value of the Animal Industry decreased by 7.3% ending the year at $43.1 million. 45,253 head of cattle were sold in 2021, which is a 3.6% decrease from 2020.

Field Crops

The value of field crops decreased by 26% due to extremely dry conditions. Field crops are primarily dry farmed and dependent on annual rainfall rather than irrigation. With very little rainfall during the year, hundreds of acres of field crops were left unharvested. The value of field crops at year’s end was $14,889,000 or $5.3 million lower than 2020.

Fruit and Nut Crops

The fruit and nut category hit a record high of $713.9 million or 18.3% above 2020. Strawberries were the #1 crop with a value of $319.9 million. Wine grapes were the #2 crop with a value of $281.5 million. Strawberries and wine grapes make up over 55% of the total crop value in the county. Avocados and lemons also ended the year substantially higher at $57.7 million and $18.6 million, respectively.

Nursery Products

The nursery industry remained relatively stable. Additional marketing opportunities have opened with decreased competition from foreign competitors. e industry is still challenged by labor shortages and rapidly changing product demands. The value of nursery products in 2021 was $76.5 million or 0.8% above 2020.

Vegetable Crops

Vegetable values were up slightly on the year with a total value of $233.5 million. Growers commented that favorable growing conditions contributed to good production and high-quality crops. Broccoli, cauliflower, and head lettuce represent the County’s highest value vegetable crops and remain within the overall top 10. Some vegetable producers experienced challenges including price instability and increasing input costs.

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