Monday, May 23, 2022

Dragon Boating Association unveils new boats

Two new Dragon Boats have arrived in Morro Bay!

The Central Coast Dragon Boat Association (CCDBA) held a special Dragon Awakening Ceremony May 28 at Tidelands Park in Morro Bay to officially name the new boats.

The ceremony involved ‘painting’ the eyes of the dragon, followed by the boats ‘bowing’ to the audience and racing in the bay. The Cal Poly Lion Dancers performed a dance to bring good luck to all in attendance.

Dragon boats are 40-foot long canoes, powered by a team of up to 20 paddlers, a steersperson and a drummer. CCDBA purchased the two boats after a successful community fundraising effort during the pandemic, led by paddlers on the dragon boat team Central Coast SurviveOars.

“We are excited to introduce these colorful, festive new dragon boats to the community,” said Miki Gilman, president of CCDBA. “We invite everyone to come and see what the sport of dragon boating is all about!”

Dragon boating originated in China more than 2,000 years ago. It is now a popular water sport, with teams and competitions in 89 countries.

CCDBA incorporated as a nonprofit organization in 2014 to expand dragon boating opportunities on the Central Coast. The founding team, the Central Coast SurviveOars, began as a group of cancer survivors and supporters in 2007. Now, CCDBA welcomes everyone to participate! For more information, and to find out how to try the sport, visit .               

Facebook Photo: Jen Ford for Morro Bay City Council

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